Monday, November 10, 2008

Fear My Talons 2

"Fear Them!":

Doodles in Math Class

I did some doodling in Math in the margin of my notebook:

Random Doodles

Here is some random doodles I did:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

MS Paintings

Hey, here is some MS Paint drawings(Scaled down to fit under blog post respectively):

Rattlesnake Pelican

Another drawing I did a few years ago:

Flame Pen Man

I did this one in green and red pen:

Weird Birdy

This is a drawing i did years ago....:

Sketchbook Doodling

Here's some small random drawings I did:

The End of The World!

This is a cool one:

Swords Part 3

Some more swords, I like to draw swords:


This is another page with some small sketches:

Swords Part 2

Here's some more swords:

Fear My Large Talons!

Here's another one:

Swords Part 1

Hi here is a drawing from my sketchbook, the following posts will also have sketches.: